June 11, 2018 | Toronto, ON – The A.I. Directory, created on December 12, 2017, by IT World Canada, CATA and SalesChoice Inc. has now expanded its presence to the United States. The directory now profiles and indexes over a 100 companies developing at a rapid pace in the artificial intelligence sector in U.S.

The A.I. Directory is a central repository for everything AI to help the world find new opportunities more easily and cash in on the $36.8B market. It provides stakeholders with an opportunity to profile their expertise, find influencers, discover partnership opportunities, share research, and gain insights into new business models. The directory now has over 400 profiles as it continues its global expansion.

“One of the critical needs for scaling up a business is the discovery of partnerships that will allow you to advance rapidly, and in the right global ecosystems,” says SalesChoice CEO Dr. Cindy Gordon. “The A.I. Directory will help all organizations determine who is who across the private and public sector landscape.”

What are the benefits of AI Directory?

Benefits of the A.I. Directory include:

  • Identify and Connect with leading AI community stakeholders (business, influences, researchers, resources,  investors)
  • Develop AI brand awareness, with rich AI Media News, Video Channels, Content to Learn and Grow
  • Profile expertise, with relevant information to attract customers, partners or new talent
  • Promote community leadership to ensure all leading global A.I. community ecosystems are registered for a highly visible collaborative footprint
  • Enable visibility of AI stakeholder services and solutions to find and profile your unique value.
  • Source companies for partnership opportunities
  • Conduct Research on community interests and produce sustainable research products of value to the global AI ecosystem.
  • Create Community events of value to both regional and global interests.

The AI directory can be accessed at:  https://www.aidirectory.ai/

For more information, contact

Malay Upadhyay
Director of Marketing & Strategic Business Development
SalesChoice, Inc.

Steve Proctor
VP Marketing and Communications

John Reid