ZigaForm version 7.0.7

End Revenue Uncertainty & Sales Inefficiency

SalesChoice AI insights appear right in your Salesforce CRM. We reveal all the essential views and next-step best actions needed to confidently guide you and your sales team across your entire sales revenue journey.

How AI Insights for Sales Analytics Works

Our machine learning engine examines—and learns from—every data point in your CRM

The engine creates a predictive model that reveals why opportunities win or lose

Our customer success team optimizes the predictive model to meet your unique needs

Give everyone on your team a perfect sales IQ

The best way to increase sales velocity and hit revenue targets is to know exactly where to focus and what to do next. Here’s how SalesChoice answers everything your managers and reps need to know: forecasting and optimize pipeline focus. Here’s how we answer your most pressing questions:

How we accelerated over a billion in sales

SalesChoice is unique in its strategic customer orientation; and we are benefiting from the support of their award-winning AI platform and software talents. It’s time to try SalesChoice, and learn how AI can increase your top line revenue growth.

— Jeff Green
Senior Vice President of Sales and Customer Experience, Purolator

Because sellers cannot meet face to face with customers, they need new tools to collect buying signals and customer intelligence in order to maximize outcomes on every single deal.

SalesChoice is capable of predicting up to 95% accuracy whether a deal will close.

Get game-changing coaching insights in your CRM and email

With SalesChoice, time is never wasted. Focus on your next best actions with our guided selling insights, delivered right into your Salesforce CRM and sent by email alerts to your managers and sales reps.

No, it’s not a crystal ball.
But it’s pretty close.

SalesChoice delivers a forecast you can bank on by predicting risk and guiding your sales team(s) to project against it across the deal lifecycle. With our AI insights, you’ll be able to see the future, as well as the true state and history of your sales journey for both opportunities and accounts.

Set your team up for success in a whole new way

We make it easy to increase your odds of closing and even easier to know where you should focus. SalesChoice learns from data inside and outside of your CRM, and organizes all your sales opportunities in a clearly graded A-B-C system.

Close the As. Follow SalesChoice guidance to increase the odds on the Bs, and tend to the Cs last.

Get game-changing coaching insights in your CRM and email

With SalesChoice, time is never wasted. Focus on your next best actions with our guided selling insights, delivered right into your Salesforce CRM and sent by email alerts to your managers and sales reps.

Over 18 Industry Leadership Awards, including:

SalesChoice Outstanding AI Sales Analytics Platform

SalesChoice is the easiest and most comprehensive
AI insights platform for sales analytics.

Book some time with us to find out how you can achieve revenue confidence and eliminate B2B sales inefficiencies.